A few days ago, I noticed that many Anglo Indians were struggling to connect with others in their community, with businesses and job seekers alike searching within their Facebook group. So, as a jest, I posted a question: why isn’t there a networking platform for our community? Given that our community is dispersed globally, people have lost touch and are eager to network and share opportunities.
Returning to Facebook, I was pleasantly surprised to find over 40 people reacting positively to the idea within an hour, expressing how helpful it would be for them. To delve deeper into this, I created a WhatsApp group. On the first day, approximately 16 people joined and provided valuable insights on how such a platform could benefit the community. Within just two days, there was a snowball effect, and the group swelled to around 200 members.
Conducting a Google Meet, I didn’t anticipate a large turnout, but over 80 people participated, sharing their concerns. Realizing the need, I decided to develop a simple, user-friendly platform. We settled on the name “AngloNet | The Anglo Indian Networking Platform” and, within two days, I built an entire website for them.
The platform is quite basic at the moment; users can register, view members in the directory, and either apply for or post jobs. Additionally, there’s a business listing directory where businesses can be featured for a small fee.
In less than five days, the group has grown to over 350 members, and the platform has garnered over 100 sign-ups. People are actively engaging and finding value in it. Currently, the platform is accessible at anglos.in—a fantastic domain name, if I may say so myself.
While I’m swamped with work, maintaining the platform will be challenging. Hence, I’ve appointed five members from the group to moderate and manage it. Thankfully, it’s currently active and running smoothly without much input from my end.
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